Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We're all ready for the Greenview show

I think we have just broken a record! Here it is only Wednesday and we are already prepared for the Greenville Rubber Stamp Show. All we have left to do is close up the boxes and pack the car. This is definitely a first.

During the past couple of days I have prepared 45 paper potpourri packets, taking lots of hours to get the paper selected and cut. There are nine combinations and each one has 12 sheets of paper, size 5" x 6". The popourri packets are in great demand by people who do not need the larger sheets so it is important to have a large supply.

When we get back from Greenville on Sunday we will turn our attention to JapanFest at the end of the month. This is one of our favorite events. We not only set up a booth to sell our products, including gift items which we used to have in our store, but I present an ikebana demonstration and my students present an exhibition. Tonight we will go to the Gwinnett Center for an orientation. JapanFest draws 20,000 over two days and is very exciting.

More about JapanFest and ikebana later.

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